This pot of gold gives you access to 60 plus years gold prospecting knowledge, exclusive interviews, how too’s, video explanations and lots more all for a one time fee!

Over the last three years The Prospectors Club has been a membership filled with interviews, videos, mentoring and a lot more. We have moved on from the membership but I didn’t want the 3 years worth of information to be lost, so I have combined it all in one place and now you have access to that for a one time fee. Once you purchase the Treasure Chest you will be sent a link with all of the videos to download.

The treasure chest is filled to the brim with golden information. Inside you will find 8 different folders filled with pre recorded videos ranging from 2 minutes long to an 1 hour long. They are a mixture of interviews, how too’s, lessons, us explaining certain subjects and they are all relaxed and easy to understand. We talk about the gold world in layman’s terms and once you purchase the chest its your forever, meaning you can rewatch as many times as you like.

  • Exclusive Interviews

    - Parker Schnabel from GoldRush
    - Washplant expert Jeff who helped build Sluicifer
    - Aaron Raddock the owner of Reeds prospecting, Minelab dealer and geologist
    - Matt Cook the owner of Finders Keepers, Minelab dealer and great prospector x3
    - Pioneer Pauly a prospector from Canada and YouTuber
    - Ian Holland full time Victorian Prospector x2
    - Andrew Bales Geologist and prospector based in Victoria X3
    - Matt and Jake young full time prospectors based in WA
    - Andy Leahy from Aussie Gold Hunters, a prospector based in QLD
    - Ilaura from Gold Daughters, a gold miner from Alaska
    - Life with Gold, a young full time prospecting family from WA
    - The boys from Outback Opal Hunters
    - Greg from Pirates Prospecting x 2

  • Ebooks

    Both of our popular ebooks; The Fields and Finds Prospectors Handbook edition 1 and How to plan a prospecting trip to WA

  • Live Lessons

    Covering -

    - Coils and metal detectors
    - Settings and interference
    - The rules and legalities around prospecting
    - Processing methods
    - Research
    - Reading the ground and indicators
    - Safety in the bush
    - Permits and leases
    - Historic workings and techniques
    - Prospecting Q&As with Ted
    - Loaming and other prospecting methods

  • Mining Report Notes

    Mining Report Notes

    A run down on how to read mining reports, how to find them and how to utilise them in prospecting.

  • Ted's and Tyler's Tips

    Short videos covering-

    - Scrape and detect rehabilitation
    - Reading the ground
    - Indicators
    - Geology
    - Finding and understanding historic workings
    - Reading maps
    - Reading creeks and rivers and other ground movement
    - Understanding modern workings
    - Napping
    - Chaining a patch

  • States and Territories

    - Western Australia - Pegging a lease, SPLs, Tengraph, Section 40Es
    - Queensland - Interviews with QLD prospectors, using GeoRes Globe
    - Victoria - Interview with a full time prospector, interview with the mines department
    - New South Wales - Minview how too, Interview with Busted Knuckles

A pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Access to 4 generations of gold prospecting knowledge.